Q&A: Frustrated with Instagram. What to do?

Recently, one of our readers wrote in with a really good question about using Instagram. Why hasn’t it been working for her? Losing followers steadily, not seeing any real results sales-wise and getting discouraged. Here are some of the tips I shared with her.
Dear Dayna:
So you think that you can help my business. Lately I’ve been very frustrated with IG. That is the selling. Unlike other accounts, I believe that mine is more unique, unfortunately not in a good way. Im not one particular product. If you look at my account, its trying to sell vintage furniture. Hit or miss. My followers have been disappearing steadily.
Any suggestions?
Dear Frustrated:
I completely understand where you’re coming from. Followers dropping. Not many sales. Not fun at all!
Your pieces are unique. And I’m sure you put a lot of care and attention into choosing them too. Which makes this all the more frustrating!
You know you have a good product. You know you have a good price. But why aren’t people buying?
Instagram is very popular, which also means it’s ultra competitive. Don’t pay too, too much attention to your follower count at this point. There are a lot of bots and “follow-unfollow” strategies that keep the number constantly fluctuating.
Instead, you want to focus on creating a sales and marketing strategy that works for you. Having a strategy is key to business success on social media.
That means that you need to have answers to very foundational questions. How long have you been in business? Where do most of your sales currently come from? Word of mouth? Locally? Who exactly is your target client?
Right off the bat, a few suggestions for your Instagram:
1. Improve your Instagram Bio to better describe who you are + who you serve2. Create a brand around your business (i.e. polished brand + positioning)3. Use Instagram Stories to showcase your products and ask for DM if interested4. Better product photography (this one’s important for product-based brands)5. Online shop to help establish authority and provide a place for people to shop your pieces
I think it’s also important for you to define who is “@your-account” online and what it is that you’re known for.
Hope that this helps. Keep me posted on your progress!
Day x